Female Werewolf Transformation Bitten

Bitten (Werewolf Transformation) Here's a very short werewolf metamorphosis from Bitten (season 3, episode 4, 'A Quiet Dog'). The transformation only consists of three shots, but I wanted to feature it because (a) the actor playing the werewolf is super-cute and (b) the CGI of his feet turning into paws is of better-than-average quality. 'Bitten' - Woman to Werewolf - NSFW. A woman looking to her recent wounds goes through her first transformation. PIC 1 - PIC 2 - PIC 3 - PIC 4 - PIC 5 - PIC 6 'Amber Silverblood Transformation' - Woman to Wolf - The first pic was a Fan-art I did for the story of Flaming Squirrel at DA (You can look it. May 28, 2018 Female Werewolf 2015 WbRip Part 01. Being Human- all the female werewolf transformations. Vampire Spawn Points- Free Werewolf bite give away. Werewolf Transformation (8) Bitten In The Throat (7) Falling From Height (7) Female Frontal Nudity (7) Female Nudity (7) Fire (7) Forest (7) Gothic (7) Hospital (7) Knife (7). A female werewolf runs away from her family, and falls in love with a man who works in the movie business, while a sociologist who studies these creatures is looking. Oct 11, 2016 Shot from the tv show bitten. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.

The massivebeast stood before Emma, grinning as he watched her clutch her bloodyarm. His eyes glowed with a sadistic joy and he made sure hislycanthropic curse was passed, biting her again and again on the samearm. Emma screamed and stumbled backwards, swatting at thewerewolves bloody maw uselessly.

With a lastgrowling laugh, the wolf leaped away, trailing blood from his mouthas he did so. The girl laid her head on the mossy earth, her headswimming at the sight of her own blood, and the loss of it. Soon itstopped swimming and dove into a pitch black oblivion as she passedout, images of full moons and pentagrams glowing in her unconsciousmind.

She awokefrom her slumber a few hours later with the gentle light of the fullmoon glittering behind her eyes. Was that all a dream? Why was shein the forest? Was she really bleeding? She stared at both herarms, seeing no wounds but clearly recollecting the occurrence of thewolf that had recently stood over her. The moss around her was blooddrenched, so what had happened?

Her querieswere interrupted by a shooting pain down her back. She arched itand was speechless at the intensity of the pain. Her vertebrae feltlike they were grinding into each other, lurching against one anotheras she was thrust to her arms and knees. The vertebrae protruded upthrough her skin, causing blood to slowly pool on her shirt. Thespine itself became hunched, squashing her lungs and ribs, Emmagasped for air, only increasing the pain in her chest. With a cracklarger than the loud crackling of the refiguring back, her rib cageangled forward, making room for her lungs against the new hunch ofher back.

Female Werewolf Transformation Bitten Costume

All wasstill for a few moments. The last drops of pain dripped away withthe blood that did the same. Was it over? No.

Her jawbegan to crack, her ears and throat swelling and popping as her faceslowly reconfigured. A pain like an intense toothache beganthroughout her entire mouth as her teeth grew and became sharp,puncturing the skin in her mouth. Hot blood and drool not dripped,but poured from her mouth, again dampening the earth below her. Toaccommodate her new teeth, her lips were pulled and reshaped, tearingand healing. Her mouth stretched, cracked, and shifted into a squaremuzzle. Her scalp tightened as her hair seemed to be sucked by intoit, becoming wiry and fur-like in the process. She tried to screamat this new pain, but all that came out was a choked, blood filledgurgle.

A new painfrom her legs. Her bones creaked as the bones above and below herknees shrunk, splintering and healing repeatedly. Again, an attemptto scream, again a choking gurgle. Her feet grew and thinned,creating almost a new joint. Her hands panned out and fattened,creating horrific half-paws. An intense pain came from their tips asthe nails slowly curved and grew into claws. The end of her spinegrew and lengthened, creating a thin, near skinless tale.

At themoment, she looked like merely a deformed, semi-lupine human. Thisbegan to change when Emma's skin began to turn a sickly, clay shadeof grey. Soon, it felt as if bugs were squirming and pinchingbeneath it. Shaking with pain and horror, she lifted her arm toobserve it in the moonlight. Small bristles began to appear on herdeformed, twisted knuckles, and then spread to the rest of her arm. A thin layer of this hair grew on her entire body, each hair feelinglike a pin prick as it punctured the skin. Immediately, a thickerlayer stabbed from beneath her skin, actually drawing blood as theyprotruded. Again she screamed, only this time it was neither ascream nor a choked gurgle. It was a screeching, pained roar! Thetransformation nearly complete, she rose to her feet, her entire bodyquivering in fear and pain.

She wasstill clothed, and she looked like a mere skeleton of what could onlybe called a werewolf. With an immense rumble, churning, twistingknots of pain surfed through her body as rippling muscles began to berevealed. She hunched over once more with the pain, clawing atwhatever part of her body the wave of muscles hit. She cut throughfur and skin with her new claws, unable to take the pain any longer. At some points, such as on her arms and legs, she cut through her newmuscles, leaving glistening white bones protruding from her fur. Thenew muscles ripped her clothes off, but her decency was saved by thefur that now covered her body. When this was over, she relaxed andsuck to her knees, shaking and matted in blood and sweat.

Weakly, shelifted her head to gaze at the moon that had done this to her. Shecouldn't be angry; the werewolf had taught her that anger onlycauses pain. Instead, she howled a low, mournful cry to theglistening sphere so high in the sky. In her howl she added all thepain and suffering that she had just been through, the fear of thefuture, and the confusion she now felt. When she lowered her headagain she was startled to see that the despicable creature that haddone this to her was standing five feet away. He leaned casuallyagainst a tree, glowering at this lesser being that was panting andshivering before him. He chuckled,

'Don'tworry, my friend. Not every transformation will include such pain. Most are easy and smooth,' his voice was deep and rough as heshowed the girl his own smooth transition between beast and man. Itseemed like the wolf part of him melted away, to be replaced by arugged man with slightly long hair and a goatee, grinning maniacally,as he changed back again.

'Therewill always have to be blood though...but it doesn't have to beyours, if you get my drift,' the man winked when he said this, butEmma had no idea what he was talking about. She stuttered as sheattempted to speak in this new form,

Female Werewolf Transformation Bitten

Female werewolf transformation bitten

'W-whatare y-you t-talking about? D-do I have t-to k-kill people?' shequestioned, finding the growly sound of her own voice extremely odd.

'Yep,well, unless you want to go through that pain again. If you don'tkill on one full moon, the transformation on the next will be asgruelling, if not more so, than that one,' he chuckled again as heturned to walk away,

'By theway, your transformation is not yet finished,' he barked an abrupt,loud laugh as he disappeared within the shrubs.

Emmacautiously raised herself to her feet as her shaking had almoststopped. She looked down at herself, concluding that this wasbasically what a werewolf was supposed to look like. There shouldn'tbe anything else to change.

A splittingpain rode a lightning bolt through her head, ears, tongue and noseand she grasped her skull with her claws. An explosion of sensesechoed through her mind as she lost control of her instincts. Herears and nose ached with a new found assortment of sounds and smellslingering in the air, and she was blinded with a new, vivid sight.

Despite hernew visual take on life, her human self saw only blurs as shegalloped through the forest, subconsciously hunting for a victim.


She awokethe next morning as the sun reached it golden arms high above thetrees. The camper she had killed and feasted on last night layripped to shreds beside her. She had the coppery taste of blood onher teeth and she was sore everywhere from the transformation thenight before, which she could barely remember. It was with regretthat she realized that murder would be her life forever more.

Female Werewolf Transformation Bitten
AuthorKelley Armstrong
Cover artistDominic Harman
SeriesWomen of the Otherworld
GenreFantasy, romance, adventure
Published1 October 2001 Viking Adult (United States), Little, Brown & co. (U.K.), Random House (Canada)
Media typePrint (hardback and paperback) and audio book (cassette)
Pages400 (hardcover)
384 (paperback)
Followed byStolen
For the anthology by R. L. Stine, see R. L. Stine#Dangerous Girls.

Bitten is a fantasy novel by Canadian writer Kelley Armstrong, published in 2001. It is the first book in the Women of the Otherworld series, and her first novel.

Plot introduction[edit]

Elena Michaels is the only known female werewolf, but she grows tired of spending her life pursuing rogue werewolves and trying to control her temper and violence. She decides to leave her Pack and live in Toronto as a human, but the Pack leader calls in a favor, which leads Elena to try to help quell an uprising.[1]

Plot summary[edit]

The main character of Bitten is Elena Michaels, a woman who is the only known female werewolf in the world. She lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and writes for a popular newspaper. She struggles to deal with her other-ness and to assimilate to the human world. She also contends with her terrible childhood and with the man who bit her and turned her into a werewolf.

Elena has settled into a somewhat normal existence, living with her architect boyfriend and ignoring her wolf side as much as possible. However, she learns that her Pack (the governing body of werewolves) is in trouble and comes to their aid, flying to Stonehaven, the country estate of the pack Alpha. It is in Bear Valley, a fictional city in up-state New York. When Elena arrives, she is greeted by her ex-lover, Clayton Danvers, who bit her and made her a werewolf (without her consent). Clayton is also the bodyguard and foster-son to Jeremy Danvers, the pack Alpha (leader). Elena learns that a local woman was found murdered on Stonehaven's land, savaged by what authorities thought to be a dog. However, the Pack has determined that she was murdered by a Mutt, a rogue werewolf. They find out he is a recently escaped killer who was recently turned into a werewolf. Clay and Elena chase him into a rave and after several of the partygoers are killed, the wolf is hit by an SUV.

Soon, the rest of the Pack arrives to help with the problem: Antonio Sorrentino, his son Nicholas Sorrentino, Logan Jonsen, and Peter Myers. The werewolf Pack are the self-appointed governing body of the werewolf world. If they feel any non-Pack wolves (called 'Mutts') become noticeable to humans, they kill them. In an ambush Peter is killed and Jeremy, the Alpha, is seriously wounded. Finally, the pack figures out that the 'mutts', tired of being governed by the Pack, are trying to free themselves from their rule. To do this, one mutt, Daniel, has started turning human killers and other escaped convicts into werewolves to fight the pack.


Pack Werewolves[edit]

  • Antonio Sorrentino – Hereditary werewolf and father of Nick. Once the Pack's top fighter, still strong. The best friend of the Alpha Wolf (Jeremy).
  • Clayton (Clay) Danvers – Bitten as a child, is seen as more wolf than human. He is Jeremy's foster-son-turned bodyguard and the werewolf who bit Elena. He is also Elena's ex-lover and is still in love with her. Bitten as a child, the story of which is told in Kelley's first online novella, Savage.
  • Elena Michaels – Journalist and the only known female werewolf. Bitten by then-lover, Clayton. Her parents died in a car crash while she was young, which sent her into many abusive foster families. Determined to leave that life behind, she focused on school and went to college, where she met Clayton. Used to live with the pack but attempted to leave at one point. Lives in Toronto with her boyfriend Philip.
  • Jeremy Danvers – Alpha werewolf and leader of the Pack. Possesses psychic abilities used to contact other Pack members. A hereditary werewolf, he has the unusual (for a werewolf) hobby of marksmanship.
  • Nicholas (Nick) Sorrentino – Hereditary werewolf, son of Antonio, and best friend of Clayton.
  • Logan Jonsen – Hereditary werewolf, close friend, almost like a brother, to Elena. On the outskirts of the pack, lives in Albany, NY, and is a lawyer who practices in the state of New York and Los Angeles, California. Is killed by Thomas LeBlanc
  • Peter Myers aka Pete – Hereditary werewolf, good friend of Elena. Also on the outskirts of the Pack. Works as a sound engineer for top bands on tour. He once accidentally murdered two women, was rescued by Jeremy. Killed by Mutt Thomas LeBlanc.


Female Werewolf Transformation Bitten
  • Daniel Santos – Hereditary werewolf and a former member of the Pack. He left the pack after Clayton killed Stephen Santos, his brother. He loathes Clayton and believes Elena should be 'his'. A man-killer considered dangerous and possibly insane by the pack, he was betrayed and killed by Thomas LeBlanc.
  • Jimmy Koenig – Hereditary werewolf and the nephew of Billy Koenig, he is an ex-drug addict/alcoholic and man-killer; killed by Clayton.
  • Karl Marsten – Hereditary werewolf and wealthy professional thief who is seeking territory to settle in. Considered the second most dangerous Mutt by the pack but also sociable.
  • Scott Brandon – Bitten werewolf, he is a serial killer turned by Karl Marsten; shot and killed by a police officer and then hit by an oncoming truck.
  • Thomas LeBlanc – Bitten werewolf, also a serial killer turned by Daniel. Targets women and killed by Elena.
  • Victor Olson – Bitten werewolf and pedophile, turned by Zachary Cain and killed by Elena.
  • Zachary Cain – Hereditary werewolf, he is huge and an excellent fighter, but not very bright. After being interrogated by Jeremy and Clayton, he is killed by Clayton.


  • Philip Mcadam – Elena's live-in boyfriend. Lives in Toronto, where he works as an architect.
  • Anne – Mother of Philip (Elena's boyfriend), Judith and Diane.
  • Larry – Father of Philip, Judith and Diane, husband of Anne.
  • Diane – Phillip's sister.
  • Ken – Diane's husband.
  • Judith – Phillip's older sister who lives in the UK.

Concept and creation[edit]

Armstrong says Bitten was inspired by an X-Files episode on werewolves. She had the idea to portray werewolves as other than 'bloodthirsty, ravening beasts' and quickly wrote a short story about a young woman who becomes a werewolf to present to her writing group. Eventually, Armstrong fleshed out the short story into a novel that became Bitten.[2]

Werewolf mythology[edit]

In the Women of the Otherworld series, unlike many modern horror fiction stories, werewolves transform into full wolves in a painful transmogrification, while maintaining their hair colour and body mass, making them extremely large wolves. Although transformations have to occur regularly, Armstrong's werewolves are not affected by phases of the moon, can shape-shift at will and can learn to transform a single part of their body. Werewolves can be killed by anything that can kill a human and have no extra sensitivity to silver. They age slower than humans. For example, Antonio and his son Nick, despite an age gap of 17 years, pass themselves off as brothers in human company. In fact, Pack sons are raised referring to their fathers as 'uncle' while amidst humans, in order to avoid questions.

While in human form, werewolves have wolf-like characteristics, better hearing, a keener sense of smell and a wolf's instinctive reactions, while in wolf form they maintain their intellect but cannot talk and are more driven by instinct. In both forms, they have greater strength and reflexes than a normal human or wolf and heal significantly faster. Hereditary werewolves acquire these enhanced abilities gradually, following puberty, and have their first change in their late teens or early 20s. Non-hereditary werewolves start changing shortly after they are bitten, and not all survive the process; the bitten mutts took around a month to recover. In the case of Clay, he could transform and had the enhanced abilities from when he was bitten at around age five.

Awards and nominations[edit]

  • Nominated Best First Novel by the International Horror Guild

Screen adaptations[edit]

For a while, there was discussion of making a movie adaptation of this novel. Angelina Jolie was approached to play the central role of Elena. A script is still floating around for it.[3][4]

On 23 August 2012, Space announced that a full-season TV adaptation of Bitten would commence production in spring 2013. The 13-part series was scheduled to premiere in fall 2013[5] but was pushed back and premiered in January 2014.[6] On 9 March 2013, it was announced that Laura Vandervoort would be cast as Elena Michaels.[7]

On August 12, 2014, the full first season was released in the United States of America on Blu-ray and DVD.

Release details[edit]

Female Werewolf Transformation Bitten Cast

  • First released in the U. S. by Viking Press in September 2001, in hardcover.
  • Released in trade paperback in January 2003 by Plume books.
  • Released in mass market paperback in August 2004 by Plume books.


  1. ^From 'Bitten' websiteArchived 13 August 2006 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^White, Claire E. (January–February 2005), A Conversation With Kelley Armstrong, Writers Write, Inc.
  3. ^Entertainment News at Gay.com
  4. ^Movie News at Werewolf-Movies.comArchived 7 March 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^SPACE orders new original Canadian drama Bitten
  6. ^Male Leads Added to the BITTEN Pack as Production Begins in Toronto on New Original Series for Space
  7. ^Christy Sullivan (9 March 2013). 'Laura Vandervoort Gets BITTEN: Canadian-Born Actress to Star in New Space Original Series'. Bell Media. Retrieved 5 June 2015.

Female Werewolf Transformation Bitten Book

External links and quotations[edit]

  • 'Frisky... Tells a rather sweet love story, and suggests that being a wolf may be more comfortable for a strong, smart young woman than being human.' – New York Times review
  • '[Does] the same thing for werewolves that Anne Rice did for vampires in her Interview with the Vampire.'- Rocky Mountain News

Female Werewolf Transformation Bitten Cast

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