Skyrim Wolf Shield


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  6. Howling Wolf Mod

Ivanos Halston adjusted the straps of his pack almost absent-mindedly. The pack weighted just shy of sixty pounds, which would have crippled him, if he had been back home in Daggerfall. But that had been before his signing up and being shipped off to Camp Orsimer. Before, he had been a thin, almost-gangly farmboy with dreams of heroism and glory. Now, he was a trained warrior, drilled and trained to be a part of an army to rival and surpass even the legendary Legions of Cyrodiil. And he personally had been selected as part of a detail to be shipped out immediately as replacements for an existing unit, rather than being held back for more training.

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1) the aspect of the ice wolf is bound to her spirit, and i liked the theme: ice. I chose the ice wolf because it's one of the most spread wolf species in Skyrim. 2) because ice spells have that chill effect that slows enemies. 3) i really wanted to use an offensive spell along with the bow. The shield you use is still a great backup for when enemies decide to focus on attacking you, giving your Dremora Lords free rein to attack and kill them. 5 Destruction Mages While spell crafting is missing in this installment, Destruction is still nevertheless a great school of magic for players to invest in. For the first time in a long time, Gray-Manes and Battle-Borns fight as Shield siblings, working together to expunge the monster before them. Even Nazeem joins in—there’s no place for werewolves in.

'Or at least, that's what they told you,' some part of his brain informed him as he walked through the tent door and gave the duty officer his orders.

The Redguard who met him at the gate had given him a calculating look and a knowing smile, and then motioned for him to follow.

'How was Camp Orsimer?' he asked conversationally.

'Fine,' Ivanos shrugged.

The truth? The ten weeks he had spent there had been the absolute hardest of his life. The endless marching, drill, and training had caused him to rethink his own commitment a hundred times over, but he had stuck it out, and had emerged from it a completely different person. Based upon the half-wink the officer had given him, the officer knew exactly what he hadn't said.

'Your unit is the 84th Hoplon,' the officer continued. 'Your decurion is a good soldier. Ex-Legion, knows his stuff.'

Ivanos nodded. A hoplon was the smallest unit of a Vodahmin regiment, made up of nine soldiers and a decurion. Ten of them made a Phalanx, and ten phalanxes made up a regiment.

Not sure who came up with names for each of these units, Ivanos thought absently.

'Morgen!' the officer called out. A tall orc straightened and turned towards the sound, making his salute once Ivanos and his escort drew closer. It was only then that Ivanos could see that one of the orc's eyes was completely covered with scar tissue, while the other burned with a fierce intensity.


'I found you a replacement,' the officer said, jerking a thumb towards Ivanos. 'Fresh out of Camp Orsimer.'

Morgen cast his one good eye towards him, and Ivanos felt himself stiffen under the orc's critical gaze.

'You've brought one,' the captain said slowly, 'I had applied for four.'

'And I applied for the Jagged Crown of Skyrim, and a pony of my very own, so I guess we're both disappointed, aren't we?'

Morgen snorted, and then returned his attention towards the young Breton.

'You have your gear, boy?'

'Yes sir,' Ivanos answered quickly, patting the pack with his free hand. 'Everything except a sarissa, sir.'

'Sadly, we have plenty of those available at the moment,' Morgen grunted. 'Follow me.'

Ivanos made the salute to his escorting officer, and then followed the tall orc.

'It's been two weeks since I lost four good soldiers in our last battle,' the orc grunted. 'And in their place, they send me you.'

'Sir, I…' Ivanos began, and stopped under the decurion's withering glare.

'I will say this once,' the orc continued, as if he hadn't been interrupted. 'The fact that you have made it through the training camp means you have accomplished the bare minimum to not be a fucking disgrace to your own comrades. It DOES NOT make you a soldier. I will do that. Or as Malacath is my witness, I will make you a fucking corpse.'

Ivanos gulped involuntarily.


A turbaned Redguard appeared at the orc's shout.

'Yes, sir?'

'Show our latest recruit to his tent,' Morgen ordered

'Yes sir!' the Redguard saluted briskly as the orc stormed off, and then turned towards Ivanos.

'Ahmed D'ethta,' he said, extending a hand.

'Iv…Ivanos Halston,' came the shaky reply.

'Did he give you the 'I'll make you a soldier or a corpse' speech too?'


Ivanos' stare must have betrayed the answer, because Ahmed laughed and slapped him on the back.

'Don't worry, lad,' he reassured. 'Morgen is just like that at first. He's actually alright, once you get to know him…. so I'm told.'

Before Ivanos could ask any more questions, he was caught up and half led, half dragged to a string of tents.

'This here is Ericc Red-sword,' Ahmed stated, gesturing to a older Nord splitting wood for the central cookfire. 'He's one of those Stormcloaks who didn't accept their High King's invitation to go home, once Skyrim made Talos worship legal again.'

'The Dragonborn is no High King of mine,' the Nord hissed, spitting for extra emphasis. 'My king died at his hand at the Siege of Windhelm. I'll be dead before I bend the knee to that fucking traitor.'

'Or you'll be in the ranks, risking your life alongside ours,' Ahmed retorted. 'Speaking of risk, Ivanos, do you play dice?'

'Don't trust his fucking dice,' came a hissing voice, and Ivanos did his very best not to start or stare as the biggest Argonian he had ever seen came out of one of the tents. 'He'll fleece you of every septim you have, then take the shirt off your back.'

'And Ssirutak here is of course from Black Marsh,' Ahmed went on, giving the lizard a mirthless smile. 'She was apparently exiled for being a suspicious bitch, not to mention a horrible loser!'

'Or maybe I was exiled because I didn't believe every word I was told,' the Argonian retorted, giving what Ivanos didn't doubt was the Argonian equivalent of a very specific gesture, to which Ahmed only smiled and blew a delicate kiss in reply.

'And the last two members of our happy little family happen to be your countrymen,' Ahmed continued, pointing a man and woman sparring not far off. 'Those are Jireh and Jaren Lathan. I believe they're from Shornhelm. And yes, they're twins, and no, they don't, and shame on you for thinking such incestuous fantasies.'

Ivanos gave a confused glace as Ericc and Ssirutak shared in the Redguard's off-color humor, but then he smiled for reasons all his own. When he had been a child, he never would have considered Shornhelm residents his 'countrymen.' For that matter, Daggerfell and Shornhelm had been at an uneasy peace or an ineffectual war (depending on who you asked) for nearly the past century. Not even the threat of the Dominion invasion of Hammerfell had been enough to unite the squabbling Breton city-states. It had taken Tala Niwot and the Vodahmin Covenant to restore peace to the region and forge it into the power that High Rock was today. A power where Nords, Argonians, Orcs and Redguards could stand side by side.


The question brought him out of his thoughts and back to the present.

'Sorry?' he stammered.

'Have you eaten yet this morning?' Ssiirutak repeated and clicked a forked tongue when Ivanos shook his head. 'There should be more porridge on the fire. Bring your bowl or cup, if you have one, or one of us can loan you one.'

Ivanos fumbled his shallow serving bowl out of his cramped pack before depositing the pack in one of the vacant tents pointed out to him and coming back to the fire. He nodded his thanks as the Argonian ladled him a serving of what looked like a rice porridge. It wasn't fancy, but it certainly was an improvement on the hardtack biscuits and jerky he had been eating during the long march south from Orsinium.

'So,' he said slowly, in-between bites, 'The decurion said you all were in the battle that took place two weeks ago? Up at Dragon Bridge?'

The three soldiers around him shared a look, and then Ahmed nodded.

'We were there.'

Skyrim Wolf Shield Wiki

'Was it…' Ivanos paused. 'Was it as bad as everyone said it was? We heard at the Camp that it was a slaughter, a massacre more than a battle.'

'Wasn't as one-sided as all that,' Ericc shook his head. 'They fought well and were well-prepared for the fight.'

'Only problem was, they were prepared for the wrong one,' Ahmed half-chuckled. 'Queen Tala had an answer for each of their tactics, and they only had ones for our vampiric friends.'


'It has a hard-fought day, and no mistake,' Ssirutak murmured. 'Troubling that we should get only one replacement in two weeks' time.'

'Just means we're not likely to be picked for frontline work,' Ahmed shrugged. 'That means scouting missions, or foraging patrols. That's fine by me.'

'So tell us, Ivanos,' Ericc asked, giving the boy a shrewd glace, 'What gods do you follow?'

The Redguard leaned over and punched the Nord on the shoulder hard enough to make the man stumble backwards.

'Fucking Mora, Erik, you want to do this now?'

'It's a fair question!' the man objected as Ahmed turned back to Ivanos.

'Red-sword here is unique amongst his Stormcloak brethren in that he has a theory that we need a more diverse army.'

'I'm just saying, the more gods we have our side, the better. Ssiru prays to the Hist…'

Skyrim Wolf Shield

'Communes with…' the Argonian corrected.

'The twins pray to… whatever weird religion they have. And you worship the Redguard pantheon.'

'Actually,' Ahmed corrected, 'I'm a follower of Anu and Padomay…'

'Right, nobody cares,' Ericc waved dismissively. 'Well, Ivanos? Which gods do you call on?'

Ivanos swallowed the mouthful of porridge, thinking carefully before answering.

'I… wasn't raised to be particularly religious,' he stated slowly. 'My father said that the Aedra are forgetful, the Daedra are fickle, and the ancestors are dead.'

Chuckles went around the circle.

'Your father sounds like a wise man,' Ahmed nodded.

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'Yes,' Ivanos nodded. 'He was.'

There was an awkward silence for a moment before the Breton twins came stumbling back to the tents, breathless and panting, and the introductions were made in-person.

'Just from Camp Orsimer, then?' Jireh asked, and got a confirming nod. 'Is Borgakh Steel-Heart still the sword instructor there?'

'Sure is,' Ivanos grinned, pantomiming a sore arm as he did so. 'Beat some sense into all of us ignorant farm boys, she did.'

'Right then,' Jaren said, standing to his feet. 'Let's see how much you learned, boyo.'

'Right now?'

'No time like the present to see if you're going to be a burden or blessing,' the man stated.

'You've been sparring for the past hour,' Ericc Red-Sword said, raising a hand to stop the other man. 'I'll take the milk drinker's measure.'

'Men,' Jireh scoffed rolling her eyes.

'Which weapons?' Ivanos asked, pausing by his pack.

'Sword and shield,' the big Nord grinned in a predatory fashion. 'We've got practice blades here.'

Ivanos grabbed the new kite-shaped shield that was now standard issue to the Vodahmin army, and accepted a blunted practice sword from one of the others. The pair of fighters squared off, with the others watching, and other passer-byers pausing to watch, the match a welcome relief from the doldrums of camp life.

Both men threw their shields before them, the kite shape covering them from shin to chin, with only a pair of eyes above the rim of the shield. The blades were up and resting on the top of the shield as well, and they circled warily. Ivanos took careful stock of the situation: the Nord was almost a head taller than himself, with a longer reach and capable of hitting much harder.

Ericc moved forward.

'SOVENGARDE!' came his Stormcloak battle-cry and his blade swept in a wide arc. It would have been a simple matter to hide behind his shield, but Ivanos knew that the other man's superior size and strength would soon beat him into submission. Instead, he swept his own blade to intercept, sweeping the other blade aside and stepping to his right.

Skyrim Wolf Armor Shield


His own war-cry rose as he hooked the bottom of the kite shield under the other man's, using a flick of his arm to pull the shield out of the way, striking under the shield at the unprotected body. To his credit, Ericc didn't try to wrestle control of his own shield back from him. If he had, he would have gotten a practice blade to his ribs for his trouble. Instead, he used the momentum Ivanos' trick had given him to spin to his own right, Ivanos' practice blade just missing the leather of his belt. Ericc's weapon now descended on Ivanos like a thunderbolt from heaven, and the boy had no time to dodge. The blow on his shield sent numb shock up his arm, and Ivanos had to back-pedal desperately to avoid the next two blows.

But this now put him at a desperate disadvantage, and Ericc Red-Sword moved forward, matching his retreat step for step. The two men now were shoving their shields together, Ivanos now fully realizing how ill-matched they were, pound for pound. His sword moved almost automatically, the muscle-memory ingrained into his subconscious with hours of grueling practice at the training camp. The parries and counters were textbook, but that also made them predictable to the war-scarred veteran. But in the midst of the trading blows, a critical factor occurred to the younger Breton.

He's not using the shield to its full advantage, he thought. He's used to the round shape of the Nords' fashion. If that's true, then I can…

Suddenly, and without warning, Ivanos released his shield, and went to one knee as the Nord's weapon sent the metal kite spinning away. Before Ericc could recover from his surprise, Ivanos seized the point of the other man's shield and lifted, striking the back of the Nord's knee with his weapon. He heard a hiss of surprise and pain escape Ericc as the struck leg betrayed him, dropping him to one knee himself. Moving quickly, Ivanos moved around the bigger man, throwing a leg up and over the Nord's head, and with practiced movement (and desperate effort) threw the man backwards in a wrestler's throw.

Ericc Red-Sword was still shaking his head in confusion, trying to figure out what the daedra had happened exactly as the shape of Ivanos' practice sword came into focus, inches from his own face. Then a wide smile broke across his face, and he accepted the hand offered by the younger boy.

'BY THE GODS, lad, that was well done!' he roared approvingly, clasping a hand to the young boy's back as the others swarmed forward to do the same. Ahmed moved around the circle, collecting the various wagers that had been placed by the lookers-on during the fight. Ivanos weathered the praise as best he could, wincing as his sore arm was pumped in well-meaning handshakes and thunderous blows were pounded on his back.

'Not bad,' Decurion Rhazgo murmured. The Khajiit was big for his species, but he was still slender next to the big Orsimer next to him. 'Looks like Camp Orsimer is turning out recruits as promised.'

'The boy's competent enough,' Morgen grunted. 'But very soon, we'll be moving down-river towards Anvil and Kvatch. We've fared well enough against disorganized Breton states, bandit leaders, and rogue Nordic factions. How will our luck hold when we face a veteran Legion, battle-hardened and ready?'

'We'll burn that bridge when we come to it, won't we?' the cat chuckled, but then his own expression grew as grave as his friends'. 'We knew that confrontation with Cyrodiil had to come eventually, old friend. And thankfully, Skyrim is our ally in this war. We only need to fight in one direction, rather than facing a two-front war like we expected.'

Morgen grunted noncommittedly. 'This will get much uglier, 'ere the end, brother.'

Rhazgo nodded in agreement.

'True,' he acknowledged, 'But that's all the more reason to let the soldiers have their fun now, before they're mourning their dead, or giving account of themselves to the afterlife.'

Author's Note:

This week we get an inside view of the Vodahmin Army, and the multi-cultural nature of their ranks. And now we have moved that much closer to the inevitable invasion of Cyrodiil, and the Witch-Queen/Wolf-Queen's push for the Imperial City.

As always, please leave all thoughts/suggestions/reviews/comments/constructive criticisms in the reviews below, or PM me directly. I always love hearing from you, even if it's just 'Good job,' or 'I liked it.' You are all awesome.

ROCK ON, my friends!


Skyrim Wolf Shield

Reviewer Responses:

DarkFireCat5241999 – Very true. But then again, you can kill Alduin with a iron sword, given enough time.

Bloodwolf432 – My hope to use even the 'filler' as world-building and moving the story along.

Spartanzerg75 – That's my hope. No country is without it's own internal struggles, even the Covenant.

Blaise Welshman – If they liked the first story enough, I figure they'll come over to the second. If they didn't like the story enough to make the effort, then it's no great loss. I'm very much in the camp of quality reviewers (like yourself) over quantity.

Best Shield In Skyrim

GalacticHalfling, tylermech66, Guest – I mean, there was no part of the report that wasn't true, and nothing that even a casual observer of a Covenant battle could've given. Also, it's still a very limited picture of the Vodahmin tactics (i.e. no mention of giants or mammoths).

NotRevan – Tala is in VERY great danger of losing herself, yes. But I think for all her badass-queen posing, she's still a Wyoming girl deep down. Deep, deep, down.

Rabastan – Oh, it'll be brought up again, no worries. Not the kind of thing that you can forget about. If a solid percentage of YOUR countrymen were being held in a foreign land as slaves, would YOU forget about them?

badkidoh, omegansapphire42, jdboss1 – Thanks so much! Appreciate you taking the time to review!

Coat of arms of Łobez, Poland

The wolf has been widely used in many forms in heraldry during the Middle Ages. Though commonly reviled as a livestock predator and man-eater, the wolf was also considered a noble and courageous animal, and frequently appeared on the arms and crests of numerous noble families. It typically symbolised the rewards of perseverance in long sieges or hard industry.


British Isles and other Anglophone heraldries[edit]

Wolves appeared frequently in English heraldry, and is found as both a charge and a supporter. Wolves' heads, without the rest of the body being depicted, are particularly common in Scottish heraldry.[1]

Howling Wolf Mod

Early depictions of wolves in heraldry tend to be somewhat ambiguous in appearance, and can be confused with other heraldic creatures such as lynxes and foxes.[1]

Edward IV (1442–83) used a white wolf for one of his badges, along with a white lion, denoting his descent from the House of Mortimer.

The wolf or his head is often used for canting on names such as Videlou, de Lou (both recorded in the anonymous Great Roll of 1308–14), Lupus (in the reign of Edward III), Wolferston (in the Henry VI Roll, circa 1422–61), Wolseley, Lovett, Low, Lovell, Lupton and of course Wolfe.

Wolves are to be found

  • rampant in the coat of Louth Town Council (England)
  • demi in the crest of Peter John Crabtree (Canada)
  • demi and winged in the crest of Walter William Roy Bradford (Canada)
  • heads only in the coat of James Thomas Flood (Canada)
  • as supporters in the bearings of the Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone, Ontario
  • in the Salish style in the coat of the Village of Belcarra, British Columbia

The 'Enfield beast', an imaginary creature with the combined head of a fox, front talons of an eagle and legs and tail of a wolf, appears as the crest of the Irish family of Kelly[1] and is also used in the coat and as a supporter for the former Enfield Borough Council and its successor the London Borough of Enfield[1] (England).

Continental Europe[edit]

The wolf is also featured in the heraldry of continental European nations. Wolves feature very commonly in Spanish heraldry, where they are often represented wolves carrying the bodies of lambs in their mouths or across their backs. When in such a pose, wolves are referred to as being ravissant.[1]

Wolves are also common in German heraldry. The town of Passau (Bavaria) bears a red wolf rampant on a white shield. In Saxony, a black wolf rampant on a yellow shield features on the crest of von Wolfersdorf family. A green wolf grasping a dead swan in its jaws on a yellow shield is depicted on the crest and Arms of the Counts von Brandenstein-Zeppelin.

In Italian heraldry, the attributed arms of Romulus and Remus were said to depict the Capitoline Wolf. An undated Milanese badge allegedly in the Biblioteca Trivulziana, Milan, shows a lamb lying on its back with a wolf standing over it.

In French heraldry, the Wolfcatcher Royal had as his official insignia two wolf heads facing frontally.

A horned, wolf-like creature called the Calopus or Chatloup was at one time connected with the Foljambe and Cathome family.

Modernly, the coat of arms of the secular separatists in Chechnya bore the wolf, because the wolf (borz) is the Chechen (or Ichkerian) nation's national embodiment. The Islamists later removed it, and the Russian-sponsored ruling regime removed it entirely, but the secular government in exile still uses. In addition, many other insignia of the Chechen nation (of all three governments) use the wolf as a heraldic symbol. Not only is it the national animal, but the Chechen people are symbolically said to be variously related to wolves (not in a serious way, but in an either symbolic or joking manner), and there are legends of their ancestors being raised by a 'wolf mother'. Characteristics of the wolf are also frequently compared to the Chechen people in a poetic sense, including the most famous line that members of the Chechen nation are 'free and equal like wolves'.

Examples of wolves in heraldry[edit]

  • A common Basque depiction of a heraldic wolf (Salazar, Navarre).

  • Sigil of the Serb noble house Balšić.

  • Emblem of the 1st CBRN Regiment 'Valencia' (Spanish Army).

  • Chechen (Ichkerian) seal bearing a wolf, the nation's symbolic embodiment.


  1. ^ abcdArthur Fox-Davies, A Complete Guide to Heraldry, T.C. and E.C. Jack, London, 1909, 196-197,

Further reading[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Wolves in heraldry.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Wolf heads in heraldry.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Heraldic figures.
  • Boutell, Charles (1890). Heraldry, Ancient and Modern: Including Boutell's Heraldry. London: Frederick Warne. OCLC6102523
  • Brooke-Little, J P, Norroy and Ulster King of Arms, An heraldic alphabet (new and revisded edition), Robson Books, London, 1985 (first edition 1975); very few illustrations
  • Civic Heraldry of England and Wales, fully searchable with illustrations,
  • Clark, Hugh (1892). An Introduction to Heraldry, 18th ed. (Revised by J. R. Planché). London: George Bell & Sons. First published 1775. ISBN1-4325-3999-X. LCCN26-5078
  • Canadian Heraldic Authority, Public Register, with many useful official versions of modern coats of arms, searchable online
  • Cussans, John E. (2003). Handbook of Heraldry. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN0-7661-7338-0. LCCN04-24470
  • Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles (1909). A Complete Guide to Heraldry. New York: Dodge Pub. Co. ISBN0-517-26643-1. LCCN09-23803
  • Friar, Stephen (ed) A New Dictionary of Heraldry Alphabooks, Sherborne, 1987; with very few illustration of attitudes* Greaves, Kevin, A Canadian Heraldic Primer, Heraldry Society of Canada, Ottawa, 2000, lots but not enough illustrations
  • Heraldry Society (England), members' arms, with illustrations of bearings, only accessible by armiger's name (though a Google site search would provide full searchability),
  • Heraldry Society of Scotland, members' arms, fully searchable with illustrations of bearings,
  • Innes of Learney, Sir Thomas, Lord Lyon King of Arms Scots Heraldry (second edition)Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1956
  • Moncreiffe of Easter Moncreiffe, Iain, Kintyre Pursuivant of Arms, and Pottinger, Don, Herald Painter Extraordinary to the Court of the Lord Lyon King of Arms Simple Heraldry, Thomas Nelson and Sons, London andf Edinburgh, 1953; splendidly illustrated
  • Neubecker, Ottfried (1976). Heraldry: Sources, Symbols and Meaning. Maidenhead, England: McGraw-Hill. ISBN0-07-046312-3.
  • Royal Heraldry Society of Canada, Members' Roll of Arms, with illustrations of bearings, only accessible by armiger's name (though a Google site search would provide full searchability),
  • South African Bureau of Heraldry, data on registered heraldic representations (part of National Archives of South Africa); searchable online (but no illustration),
  • Volborth, Carl-Alexander von (1981). Heraldry: Customs, Rules and Styles. Poole, England: Blandford Press. ISBN0-7137-0940-5. LCCN81-670212
  • Woodcock, Thomas and John Martin Robinson (1988). The Oxford Guide to Heraldry. Oxford: University Press. ISBN0-19-211658-4. LCCN88-23554
  • Woodward, John and George Burnett (1969). Woodward's a treatise on heraldry, British and foreign. Originally published 1892, Edinburgh: W. & A. B. Johnson. ISBN0-7153-4464-1. LCCN02-20303
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