Cindy Lopez Jeffrey Epstein

In 2008, millionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein was sentenced to just 18 months in prison for solicitation of prostitution from minors, despite evidence and allegations that he had girls as young as 12 flown in from across the world for sexual activity. In 2009, Epstein’s former house manager Alfredo Rodriguez tried to sell Epstein’s address book. Cindy Lopez and Sarah Kellen Sarah Kellen reportedly recruited young girls for Epstein. According to legal documents, Sarah Kellen, 31, managed a harem of under-age 'sex slaves' at Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach mansion in Florida She now has a lavish jet-set lifestyle, and a new identity. Jeffrey Epstein - now known to have been a prolific pedophile and an important cog in an int. Sex trafficking scheme - was sentenced to 18 months prison in '08 for procuring a minor for prostitution and felony solicitation, despite police investigations finding over 30 credible victims. Fec (L) Cindy Lopez and (R) Sarah Kellen are on manifest along with Bill Clinton and 4 Secret Service men. In those jurisdictions a knowingly false complaint can be punished by a perjury conviction. He was the attorney that originally defended Jeffrey Epstein’s original ‘unlawful sex with minors’ case and somehow managed to. Especially where underage girls and Epstein are concerned. Who is this young girl? According to many sources her name is Cindy Lopez and was a regular with Jeffrey Epstein. Why does Bill Clinton have his arm around her, on the Lolita Express?

With Jeffrey Epstein locked up, these are nervous times for his friends,enablers
Video is embedded within the link.

Cindy Lopez And Jeffrey Epstein

Much has been written on Jeffrey Epstein. Both here on ATS and in the MSM. I could care less about who goes down as all I want is factual evidence andby the books Justice and yes that includes any and all people including Sir Donald and then US Attorney Alexander Acosta. So just to be fair how aboutBill and that Mueller guy? Why I was looking around was to see and decide for myself as to what happened back in 2008 relating to his slap on thewrist plea bargain as Nancy Pelosi is banging on the garbage cans again called for his resignation and removal. Sure. Its great stuff for the TVcameras but as we know the Democrats grab TV ratings. So just watch the video and then read the article. I also attached a link to the actualtranscript of Alexander Acosta’s Nomination so you can read it and decide yourself as to whether he did his job or simply couldn't do his job. So,if you simply type in the keyword Epstein it will get you directly to questions to Acosta and see what was asked and how he responded. Unlike many ofyour here on ATS I have been through a Federal Court Case involving DOD hardware fraud. As a result my testimony put many into Club Fed and others hadto pay out million in fines. I also have an understanding to a point of Federal Judges and US Attorneys. In my experience many are politically biasedand not always on the right side of the law. So based on what I have seen I will discuss two among all of the players; Donald Trump and AlexanderAcosta.
Alexander Acosta:
First of all if you even believe that anyone is protected and free from disappearing off of this planet you are a fool. So take a look at whom theywere going after, in the mid 2000's, a highly politically connected Billionaire. Robert Muller was running the FBI and George Bush was at the helm foreight years and why didn't Mueller send in the FBI troops to assist in that investigation of Epstein since it was probably international in scope. Soonce again look at who all the players were back in 2008 in the US Attorney's life. After reading his comments to questions relating to his Nominationin 2017, it seems that whomever he reported to in the US Department of Justice steered him towards that slap o wrist. As of right now that’s simplymy opine. I have no proof but this guy was trying to put away a billionaire who can afford expensive lawyers and threaten witnesses. That's how itworks

Cindy Lopez Jeff Epstein

Donald Trump
Sure I know how he acts and what he says but that in a way is a typical trait for certain people from New York City. I mean can you guess who thatdarling new Congresswomen from the Bronx is as the Bronx is a part of New York City. Do you see any connected personal traits? What is key here is towatch his tweets on this subject along with any public comments. If he is who he claims he is he will absolutely NOT make any comments relating toEpstein as he seems to be against crimes against children. Plus look at where he is in Washington DC. It ground zero for Missing & Exploited Children[see graph] so look at what he says. If he doesn't want to tarnish the case then he needs to just shut the hell up. So far he has been quiet. OK, sothe media churn and spin is just doing that. When you look at his timeline with Epstein he did said that Jeffrey was a great guy and it was said wayback in the early 2000's. Well sheet that's Donald. He says that about everyone then the other guy gets fired or something bad happens. So he took oneplane ride on the Epstein jet. You think that these guys know everything about everyone and I mean is he going to have a beer with you or me. Never!Billionaires hang with Billionaires. My opinion on this is that Trump has no issues here. No, no urination on whores or a six year olds DNA soiledTrump shorts left on Jeffrey's island. I will also opine that Jeffrey may have Trump and his other island house guests on video from their stay on hisisland. Sort of the blackmail type of videos.
Cindy Conclusion and Opine:
This is one of the greatest moments in the recent history of the United States relating to child trafficking. It is international in scope and leadsto Presidents. It can be shut down and that's to be determined. Looking at Trump he does do many stupid things but those aren't the guys you need toworry about as he wears his emotions on his sleeve. As yes he’s all about Donald. You think a wussy would or could go through what he’s beenthrough?

Cindy Lopez Jeffrey Epstein

The ones you really need to worry about are the ones who plot and plan your demise in the shadows yet when they appear in public they are socollected, well-spoken, gracious and just simile. So presidential!
edit on 9-7-2019 by Waterglass because: added pic