Lgo Exam Guide Book

Direct Recruitment of PA/SA Exam Notification Released by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) – CHSL ExamOnline Exam Application Start Date: to Exam Date: Eligibility. Post office Guide Part II- 175 Marks; RTI Act Quiz – 225 Marks; Code of Criminal Procedure; Consumer Protection Act 1986; Postal Guide Part 1- 250 Marks; CCS CCA Rules 1965 – 250 Marks.

Preparation of Question Bank for
the Departmental Test for LGO Exam.
Copy of CHQ letter No.: P/4-1/LGO Exam Dated- 20.11.2007 addressed to Smt. M. Ni
ranjala Devi, Asst. Director (Training)
Ref: Yr. No. 56-4/2006-SPB I dt. 24.10.07.
Apropos reference, I am herewith enclosing 40Questions prepared by us for the de
partmental test for LGO exam as invited as the first instalment and will send fu
rther shortly.
Further, in the model Question Paper enclosed in your letter cited above in the
reference, the reply furnished in answering the question No. 2 seems to be wrong
. If the payee refuses to take money order, it should be returned on the same da
y. Please verify the position and intimate the corrections.
The receipt of the letter may please be
Suggested Questions from Postal Manual Volume-
VI, PO Guide, Postal Manual Volume-V
Money order paid returns are prepared: -
Ans: - (c) (Rule-79 Volume-VI, Part-III)
Which letter is to be prefixed to a TMO paid in
the Journal of MO s paid: -
None of the above.
Ans: - (c) (Rule-44 Volume-VI, Part-III)
The currency of an Indian Postal Order is
normally: -
6 months from the last day of the month in
which it was sold,
2 years from the last day of the month in which
it was sold,
5 years from the last day of the month in which
it was sold,
10 years from the last day of the month in which
it was sold,
Ans: - (b) (Rule-195 Volume-VI, Part-III)
The amount of commission to be realized at the time of sale of an IPO of denomin
ation of Rs.100/ - is:-
Rs. 10/-
Rs. 5/-
Ans: - (a) (Clause-244 PO Guide Part-I)
The 1st class mails handed by the Post Office
are of: -
3 types-Letters, Letter Cards & Post Cards,
4 types--- Letters, Letter Cards, Book Packets
& Post Cards,
5 types---- Letters, Letter Cards, Book Packets,
Parcels & Post Cards,
None of the above.
Ans: - (a) (Clause-98 PO Guide Part-I)
The maximum admissible weight of a Book
Packet posted in Post is: -
2 KG
3 KG
4 KG
5 KG.
Ans: - (d) (Clause-98 PO Guide Part-I)
7. A Franking Machine has: -
1 meter
2 meters
3 meters
4 meters
Ans: - (b) (Clause-11 PO Guide Part-I)
In case of each Business Reply article, the Post
Office will charge an additional postage of: -
Re. 1/-
Rs. 2/-
Rs. 3/-
Ans: - (a) (Clause-11 PO Guide Part-I)
The Postal Index Number (PIN) must contain: -
5 digits
4 digits
7 digits
6 digits
Ans: - (d) (Rule-107 Postal Manual Volume-V)
The postal articles refused by the addressee
are to be: -
Returned to sender or to RLO
To be kept in deposit in the office of delivery
To be handed over to the Overseer for delivery
None of the above.
Ans: - (a)
Minimum amount taxed on unpaid /
insufficiently paid articles posted in post is: -
Re. 1/-
Rs. 2/-
Rs. 6/-
Ans: - (a)
Addressee's Instructions are of: -
1 type---permanent instruction
2 types-temporary instruction & permanent
3 types--- temporary instruction, semipermanent
instruction & permanent instruction
None of the above.
Ans: - (b) (Rule-133 Postal Manual Vol.-VI Part-I)
Poste Restante are to be kept in deposit for: -
7 days from the date of receipt,
15 days from the date of receipt,
1 month days from the date of receipt,
2 months days from the date of receipt
Ans: - (c)
Undelivered Acknowledgements cards are to be
destroyed after: -
15 days
1 month
4 months
None of the above.
Ans: - (c)
Redirection Fee for Parcel is: -
50% of the ordinary postage,
25% of the ordinary postage,
None of the above.
Ans: - (a) (Clause 67-71 PO Guide Part-I)
Any postal article can be redirected: -
By the office of posting
By both the office of posting & the office of
By any intermediate office/section handling the
Only by the office of destination.
Ans: - (d) (Clause 67-71 PO Guide Part-I)
Ordinary postal article received in damaged
condition in the o/o delivery: -
Should be returned to the o/o posting
Should be sent out for delivery at once
Should be forwarded to the o/o the Divisional
Should be enclosed in a protecting cover with a
remark made on the top & the sent out for
Ans: - (d) (Rule-145 Postal Manual Volume-V)
An Inland Parcel must be Registered if its weight
exceeds: -
1 KG
2 KG
4 KG
None of the above.
Ans: - (c) (Clause 164 PO Guide Part-I)
Currency Notes, Coins, precious stones can
be sent by: -
Insured Post
Registered Post
Ordinary Post
Under Certificate of Posting.
Ans: - (a) (Clause 184 PO Guide Part-I)
The maximum limit of Insurance is: -
Rs. 10, 000/-,
Rs. 50, 000/-
Rs. 1 lakh
None of the above.
Ans: - (c) (Clause 184 PO Guide Part-I)
An Insured Bundle is prepared when there is: -
More than 2 insured articles addressed to the
same office of delivery
More than 3 insured articles addressed to the
same office of delivery
More than 5 insured articles addressed to the
same office of delivery
More than 1 insured article addressed to the
same office of delivery.
Ans: - (d) (Rule-89A Postal Manual Volume-V)
Delivery Slip in respect of Registered Articles to be delivered at the Window of
the Post Office is prepared in: -
Single Copy
Not at all prepared.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-164 Postal Manual Volume-VI Part-I)
The addressee of Registered Article to which
an Acknowledgement Card is attached must sign: -
Delivery Slip only
Acknowledgement Card only
Both the Delivery Slip & the Acknowledgement
None of the above.
Ans: - (c) (Rule-183 Postal Manual Vol.-VI Part-I)
The addressee of a Value Payable (V.P.) article may request the Post Office to d
etain his article in the Post Office by payment of warehousing charges for a per
iod of: -
7 days
5 days
14 days
1 month.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-222 Postal Manual Vol.-VI Part-I)
The maximum weight/aggregate weight of Parcel (s) (except VP Parcels and Parcels
marked Poste Restante) that can be delivered at the premises of an addressee is
: -
5 KG
10 KG
15 KG
20 KG
Ans: - (b) (Clause 41 PO Guide Part-I)
Preparation of Question Bank for the departmental test
for LGO Exam.
The amount of commission charged on a
Service Money Order amounting to Rs. 1000/- is
Rs. 25/-
Rs. 100/-
Ans: - (d)
A Family Allotment Money Order is remitted
by the: -
Defence authorities
Telecom authorities
General members of public
None of the above.
Ans: - (a)
The maximum limit of a single ordinary Money
Order is: -
Rs. 2000/-
Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 10,000/-
Rs. 1 lakh.
Ans: - (b) (Clause 217 PO Guide Part-I)
A Money Order (MO-8) form is divided into: -
2 parts
3 parts
4 parts
5 parts
Ans: - (c) (Rule-8 Postal Manual Vol. VI Part-II)
A Money Order paid to an illiterate payee is
paid: -
After obtaining the thumb impression of the payee and getting it attested by a r
eliable witness other than the paying official
After obtaining the thumb impression of the
To a literate family member of the payee
After obtaining the thumb impression of the payee and getting it attested by the
paying official.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-38 Postal Manual Volume VI Part-II)
The name of the payee of a Money Order can
be altered: -
On payment of a second commission in cash,
On payment of a second commission in the
shape of Postage Stamps
Free of cost
None of the above.
Ans: - (b) (Clause 227 PO Guide Part-I)
The Broken Amount of an Indian Postal Order
can be made up by affixing: -
3 unused Postage stamps
4 unused Postage stamps
5 unused Postage stamps
Not permissible.
Ans: - (a) (Clause-245 PO Guide Part-I)
Maximum amount of compensation admissible in case of loss/destruction of a Regis
tered article is: -
Amount of actual loss
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 100/-
As claimed either by the addressee or by the
Ans: - (c) (Clause-170 PO Guide Part-I)
Additional Questions for LGO Exam
Advance Remittance (or Minus Entry) is: -
Cash is received prior to the receipt of the SO/
BO daily account
Cash is received after to the receipt of the SO/
BO daily account
Cash is received in short than as mentioned in
the SO/BO daily account
None of the above.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-74, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)
The word 'in transit' means: -
The value of cash/stamps which has been
remitted and already accounted at the Cash Office
The value of cash/stamps which has been
remitted but not yet accounted at the Cash Office
The value of cash/stamps which has not been
remitted to the Cash Office on the same day
None of the above.
Ans: - (b) (Rule-74, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)
Amount due from a Brach Post Office is: -
Total of closing balance of BO + total amount
of transit
Total of closing balance of BO
Authorized cash balance of BO
Total amount of transit of the BO.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-74, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)
The Sub Office (S.O.) daily account is prepared
by the: -
Treasurer of the S.O.
Sub-Account PA of the S.O.
Sub-Postmaster of the S.O.
None of the above.
Ans: - (c) (Rule-29, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)
S.O. slip is prepared and sent: -
From H.O. to S.O.
From S.O. to B.O.
From S.O. to H.O.
From S.O. to the o/o the Divisional Superintendent.
Ans: - (a) (Rule-18, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)
The Treasurer's Cash Book is divided into: -
Only 1 part--- 'receipts'
Only 1 part--- 'payments'
2 parts---'receipts' & 'payments'
3 parts---'receipts', 'payments' & 'cash/
stamps in transit'.
Ans: - (c) (Rule-86, Postal Manual Vol.-VI, Part-III)
The maximum weight of an article sent by
'Express Parcel Post' is: -
10 KG
25 KG
30 KG
35 KG.
Ans: - (d)
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
Letter No. 56-4/2006-SPB-I Dated : 24.10.2007 addressed to Shri K.V. Sridharan,
General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union, Class-III
The Revised pattern for LGO Exam with the revised syllabus will include two pape
rs i.e. Aptitude test and Departmental test. The Departmental test in the revise
d pattern will be in the form of multiple choice questions and it will be withou
t the aid of books. This test will be designed to bring out how conscious the ca
ndidate is of the work place environment, basicissues such as who is responsible
for performing what operations and how the operations are performed?
As the Departmental test is without the aid of books, a Question Bank is being p
repared to enable the candidates to prepare for the Exam. The questions in the e
xam will also be set from the Question Bank. 3.
You are requested to kindly contribute as many questions as possible. The questi
ons proposed may be framed in a direct and simple language. The correct answer m
ay also be indicated along with the question and the reference. As far as possib
le, the Questions may relate to the sphere of working of the officials who can a
ppear in the LGO Examination. Some model questions are annexed.
The Question Bank will be compiled after due scrutiny. In order to facilitate th
e scrutiny, the questions may be sent in installments as and when they are prepa
red. This may be sent to Smt. M. Niranjala Devi, Asst. Director (Training), Post
alDirectorate, New Delhi-110 001. This can also be sent on e-mail to the address
-niran_mano@yahoo.com. 5.
The feeder grade for PA/SA recruitment as notified in Department of Posts (Posta
l Assistants & Sorting Assistants) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2004 inter ali
a includes Sorting/Head Postman, Head Mail Guard, Postman, Mail Guard and Group
'D' categories prescribed in the recruitment rules. (Ref.GSR 147 (E) published i
n the Gazette of India on 27.02.2004 in file No. 60-17/2002-SPB-I)
Yours faithfully,
(Aruna Jain)
Dy. Director General (Training)
Registered articles addressed to Shri M. Kumar, 27, Highway Road, Tiruchirappall
i will be delivered
only to Shri M. Kumar at his residential address
to any one residing at the address given above
to a messenger from Shri M. Kumar without
any authorization letter
none of a, b, c.
Ans. (a) (Clause 36-PO Guide Part-I)
If the payee refuses to take Money order, it
should be returned for repayment to the remitter
on the same day
after keeping it in deposit for 3 days
after keeping it in deposit for 7 days
after keeping it in deposit for 15 days
Ans. (c) (Rule 62 of Postal Man, Vol. VI Pt.II)
Registered letter addressed to Shri V. Praveen could not be delivered as the add
ressee has left India. In such a case, who will make the remarks on the article
for the cause of non- delivery?
Registration Delivery PA
APM (Delivery)
Postman of that beat
Ans. (d) (Rule 183(2) of Postal Man. Vol.VI Pt.I)
Machine franked articles received from the local bank for dispatch indicating th
e place of origin & date of posting will be date stamped on
address side
back side
near the franked impression
need not be date stamped
Money order payable to a person without fingers & suffering from leprosy and liv
ing in asylum shall be paid
to the payee only after getting witness from
literate persons.
to any of the family members of the payee duly
witnessed by a literater person.
to a messenger authorized by the family
to the Head of Asylum on his signing the MO
on behalf of such a person.
Ans. (b) (Rule 35 of Postal Man. Vol.VI Pt.II)
Franked articles bearing previous day date
stamp impressions presented for despatch
can be accepted.
can be rejected.
can be accepted after getting date stamp
impression of the day of despatch.
none of a, b, c.
Ans. (c) (Clause11(10) (viii) (b) of PO Guide Part-I)
Who is incharge of Sorting Mail Office?
Mail Guard
Head Record Office
Head Sorter
Ans. (d) (Rule 15 of Postal man. Vol.V)
Forward bag contains
only closed bags
bags to be opened by section
articles containing fully prepaid articles
none of a, b, c.
Ans. (a) Rule 9 of Postal Man. Vol.V)

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Also available at bookstores & your local library
A Benjamin Franklin Award
'Best Career Book'

Post Office Jobs; The Ultimate 473 Study Guide and Job Finder
by Dennis V. Damp

256 pages, 8 ½' x 11'
ISBN: 978-0-943641-34-8
eBook ISBN: 978-0-943641-35-5
$25.95 / Paperback
$19.95 / eBook
  • Reviews


Lgo exam guide book pdf

The all-new seventh-edition provides an overview of what jobs are available, including many that don’t require written tests, and how to apply for them. You will also find a comprehensive 473/473E study guide with helpful test taking strategies that has dramatically improved many applicant’s exam scores. Seven other sample postal exams are included in this new edition for maintenance, clerical, technician, and other major occupations.

Most limit their job search to mail carrier and clerk positions and are unaware of the many other career opportunities that the postal service offers. Even with mail carriers and clerks making up over 50% of the workforce the postal service still employs over 30,000 building and equipment maintenance workers; 5,000 vehicle maintenance employees, thousands of motor vehicle operators, postal inspectors, computer specialists, accountants, administrative staff, human resource personnel, and professionals across a broad spectrum of fields.

Post Office Jobs is the only post office career guide that includes a comprehensive 473/473E exam study guide, sample exam questions for 7 other careers, and job descriptions for the top 24 occupations. It provides guidance on how to explore alternative civil service occupations and includes a chapter on how to apply for postal inspector positions. Nancy Ledgerwood, our editor, retired from the postal service in 2013 and provided and insider’s perspective of the postal service’s eCareer recruiting system and testing processes.

Featured Exams:

  • 473/473E Major Entry Level
  • 630/630E Postal Police
  • 710/720/725/730 Clerical Battery
  • 714 Data Conversion Operator
  • 741/744 Accounting
  • 916 Custodial
  • 943 Automotive Mechanic and Technician
  • 955 Mechanical and Electrical Job Skills

Postal employees are interviewed prior to appointment by the selecting official. Chapter Six provides sample questions and detailed guidance on how to successfully handle this often nerve-racking face-to-face encounter.

Professional and administrative occupations do not require written examinations. Your background, work experience and education determines your eligibility for the job. You’ll learn how to locate vacancies and apply for these positions nationwide. Appendix B describes how to prepare your resume and includes examples of knowledge, skills & abilities statements (KSAs) that must be submitted with your application for many of the corporate positions.

The average pay and benefits for all postal employees was $77,000 per year in 2018. The largest postal service pay system is predominantly for bargaining unit employees. There is also an Executive Administrative Schedules (EAS) for non-bargaining unit members that pay ranges from $25,619 up to an authorized maximum of $129,792.

If you’re looking for good pay with excellent benefits, explore the postal service job market. Use this book’s resources, including the Job Hunter's Checklist in Appendix A, to begin your personal job search.

Presents Eight Steps To Successfully Land A Job:

  • Explore occupations
  • Identify job vacancies
  • Study for the 473 Postal Exam.
  • Apply for jobs
  • Complete scheduled exams
  • Consider casual temporary jobs
  • Prepare for job interviews
  • Explore related civil service jobs


  • Paperback: $25.95
  • eBook: $19.95
  • Order Online or purchase a copy at your local bookstore

REVIEWS (All Editions)

March 14, 2018- Paul L

I haven’t taken the test yet, but I think this book is very helpful. I have checked with former USPS employees and they conformed that this book is accurate.

December 8.2017 - DeLisa S.

This book is amazing. I studied for about three days and I ended up getting the job at the post office. I start Monday, thank you.


June 5, 2016 - Debra Ford

This is a excellent book. It totally help prepared me for my exam. I would highly recommend it. This is the book to get.

September 15, 2015 - (Star)

Bought as a gift and after she used this book to study she scored 83 percent on the written test and got the job. I looked over the book and you need to make a commitment to study. It's not easy but it is possible.

August 5, 2015 - (Trina)

I couldn't have passed the exam without this book. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to pass the exam for the postal service. Excellent book.

March 29, 2015 - (Amy Lindgren - TwinCities.Com Pioneer Press)

Post Office Jobs: The Ultimate 473 Postal Exam Study Guide and Job Finder, by Dennis V. Damp, Bookhaven Press, 2015 (6th edition), $24.95. I couldn't resist including this sturdy guide on the old fashioned Post Office career. Damp does a great job explaining everything from the step-by-step application process to what you can expect in the testing room to how the interviews are conducted. I especially appreciate the generous selection of test questions and the sampling of 24 job descriptions.

Whatever this institution's future may hold, hiring is still happening, and as Damp notes, with more than 2,000 distinct job titles, from carrier to custodian to mechanical engineer, there's something for just about everyone.

Amy Lindgren owns Prototype Career Services, a career consulting firm in St. Paul.

Lgo Exam Guide Book Template


March 1, 2015 (Library Journal) 'The average pay for postal service workers, says this guide is $75,614 a year. Such jobs are extremely popular, and Damp's title will help job seekers understand which types of positions are offered by the post office, find information on employment, and prepare for interviews. This guide will also help your patrons to prepare for he relevant civil service test, the 473 Postal Exam. Online updates to the material are provided at www.postalwork.net. VERDICT A useful manual to what can be a lucrative profession.'

December 23, 2015 - dneu 1

I bought this eBook 2 days before the 473 Postal test and passed with 87%. The fact that it prepared you for what's to come and you aren't going into the test blind was a great help. I found the memory section to be the hardest. The testing area did not allow any paper or pencil so when you're taking the memory test in the book, DO NOT write things down because it will hinder you at the test. Just remember as testing, they give you 7 minutes to memorize. Memorize the best you can and when the test starts, you will mostly be making an educated guess. When the test started, it was like tunnel-vision and the addresses looked Greek to me. I skimmed the addresses and answered as quickly as possible and didn't go back to review. BUT after every one of the previous test sections, if time allows, Make Sure to REVIEW your answers, I found a few mistakes. They only give you your grade, they do not let you know what you answers you missed. I could have done really well on the first sections and totally flunked the memory test but I have no idea??? Good Luck!

Lgo Exam Guide Book In Hindi

January 3, 2015 (Albert Moore) 'This book thoroughly covers the numerous positions to apply and prepare for work with the post office. As, stated in this book, the reader does need to really study and prepare before taking the required postal exam. Or seek assistance from a partner to prepare oneself but the information to know is in this book. The price is nominal for anyone seeking entrance into the US POSTAL SERVICE.

December 31, 2014 (Joyce Lain Kennedy - Chicago Tribune) 'Do you want to apply for a post office jobs? A top reference is the all-new sixth edition of 'Post Office Jobs: The Ultimate 473 Postal Exam Study Guide and Job Finder... Recommended by Library Journal, over a third of this outstanding book is devoted to testing, with realistic sample exams as well as tips and answer keys. Damp is a retired federal manager, business owner, career counselor and veteran. His new edition addresses all postal occupations from professional and administrative to mail carrier, maintenance worker, tractor trailer driver and clerical worker.'

Previous Edition Reviews:

August 25, 2013 - Review by True Grinder

This book helped me score high on the exam and I got an interview within one week after taking the test.

March 28, 2013 - Review by em Joe

I placed an order for this Post Office book, and I received it in a couple of days, which provide an overview of battery exam and tips on the interview progress. Therefore, I prepared and studied for the battery exam, believe or not with only six hours of studying, I passed the exam. I was called in for interview, so I went to the book for some advice and what to expect during the interview. As result, I went to the next step which is medical assessment evaluation and passed that too. This book is a great buy, but just remember one thing to apply yourself to your studies with this book and you will have positive results. Good Luck.

September 12, 2012 - Review by Rachael G.

My husband and I read though this book over the course of 2 days, took the practice quizzes (which were EXACTLY like the real computer test) and I got an 86 and he got an 85.30 which is pretty good for the new (since 2008) test. It used to be on the old written test that you needed to score in the 90's to be considered - with this new exam I only know of two people who scored higher than us (without Veteran's points) and they got an 87 and an 86.60 I highly recommend this book

Library Journal review (05/15/2009)

Damp, Dennis V. Post Office Jobs. 5th ed. Bookhaven. Jun. 2009. 256p. ISBN 978-0-943641-27-0. $24.95. REF

This update to the 2005 fourth edition has been revised to cover new testing procedures and to anticipate the president’s call for 250,000 new employees, who will facilitate enforcement of new postal regulatory measures. Over the course of 11 chapters and three appendixes, Damp (Book of U.S. Government Jobs) offers a vital testing primer, incorporating challenging sample questions in the anticipated test format. Also included is an overview of the hiring process and a comprehensive positions list.

Lgo Exam Guide Book Review

Two Amazon.com Reviews

Lgo Exam Guide Book Pdf

'A helpful and encouraging book. After reading your book I passed the Postal Exam with a score of 90% and was hired a year ago for a carrier position. Thanks.' — A.P. Lansing MI

Lgo Exam Guide Books

'I read your book and then took the battery Test ... and scored 95.6. I reported for orientation and to fill out forms for the position I wanted, part-time flex carrier. Thanks...' — Barb, Cleveland, OH